How the NDIS does work?
How the NDIS does work?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a revolutionary program that provides support and funding for individuals with disabilities in Australia. Launched in 2013, the NDIS aims to give people with disabilities more choice and control over their own lives by providing individualized supports and services. In this article, we will explore how the NDIS works, its key principles, and the benefits it can bring to those who rely on it.

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government-funded scheme that provides individualized support and funding for people with permanent and significant impairments. The NDIS was launched in 2013 to provide a more effective and efficient way of supporting people with disabilities, allowing them to achieve their goals and live independently.

How Does the NDIS Work?


To access the NDIS, you need to apply through your state or territory government. The application process typically involves providing information about your disability, health status, and goals. You’ll also be asked to provide details about your current circumstances, including any supports you’re already receiving.

The application process usually starts with an online assessment, which helps the NDIS determine whether you’re eligible for the scheme. If you’re deemed eligible, you’ll then need to complete a more detailed application form, which will require you to provide additional information and supporting documentation.


Once your application is approved, you’ll undergo a comprehensive assessment by an NDIS assessor. The purpose of this assessment is to determine what support you may need to achieve your goals. The assessor will ask questions about your daily life, including:

The assessor will also gather information from healthcare professionals, family members, and other relevant sources to get a comprehensive understanding of your situation.

Plan Development

After the assessment is complete, you’ll work with an NDIS planner to develop a personalized plan outlining the supports and services you’ll receive. This plan will be tailored to your unique needs and goals.

During this process, you’ll have the opportunity to:

Your NDIS plan will outline the following:

Plan Funding

Once your NDIS plan is developed, it’s time to discuss funding. You’ll have a budget allocated for your plan, which is typically funded by the government.

The amount of funding you receive will depend on your individual circumstances and the type of supports outlined in your plan. The goal is to ensure that you have sufficient funding to achieve your goals and improve your quality of life.

Service Provider

You can choose from a range of registered NDIS service providers to deliver the supports outlined in your plan. These service providers are trained professionals who work with you to provide the specific supports and services you need.

Some examples of NDIS service providers include:

You’ll have the opportunity to research and choose from a range of registered service providers who meet your needs and preferences.

Ongoing Support

After your NDIS plan is developed and funded, you’ll receive ongoing support to help you achieve your goals. This support will include:

Your NDIS planner will be available to provide guidance and support throughout the process, ensuring that you’re receiving the right supports and services to achieve your goals.

Key Principles

The NDIS operates on several key principles:

Choice and Control

You have control over how your support is delivered, allowing you to make choices that suit your needs. You can choose from a range of registered service providers who can deliver the supports outlined in your plan.

This means that you’ll have more autonomy and flexibility in your daily life, which can lead to improved health outcomes and greater participation in community life.


Each individual’s has unique situation and goals, the NDIS plan tries to help in these situations & achieve goals. The scheme recognizes that everyone’s needs are different, and it provides a personalized approach to support.

This means that individual person receive supports and services that specifically helps with meeting individual needs, rather than being part of a one-size-fits-all approach.


The NDIS allows for flexibility in the delivery of supports and services. This means that you can:

This flexibility is designed to ensure that you receive the right level of support at any given time, and it helps you adapt to changes in your life.


The NDIS has many benefits, including:

Increased Autonomy

You have more control over your life and support. This can lead to improved health outcomes, greater participation in community life, and a sense of independence and self-determination.

Improved Health Outcomes

Tailored support by the supports can help individual manage health in better ways. This can include things like:

Greater Participation

The NDIS helps you participate fully in community life. This includes things like:

By providing the right level of support, the NDIS can help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.


The NDIS is a groundbreaking program that provides essential support for individuals with disabilities. By understanding how the NDIS works, you can take control of your life and achieve your goals. Whether you’re looking to improve your health outcomes or simply want more autonomy, the we can help.

Finally, as Registered Provider, we understand the intricacies of the navigating services on your own. Unlock the full potential of your funding and provide the guidance you need to reach your goals. Feel free to Contact Us to explore how we can assist you on your journey. For instance, the NDIS is there to make a positive difference in your life, and we’re here to help!.

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HCCS is a registered NDIS provider. Learn more about our services.
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