Month: February 2024

NDIS Service Agreements: A Comprehensive Guide

Entering into service agreements is a pivotal step before commencing services, setting the stage for a clear, mutual understanding of expectations and terms. This guide demystifies NDIS service agreements, highlighting their importance and the essentials they should cover to safeguard your interests and ensure the provision aligns with your plan.

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Functional Capacity Assessments: A Comprehensive NDIS Guide

Whether you’re exploring eligibility or aiming to tailor your support plan, FCAs are key. Discover what an FCA entails, who performs them, and how they pave the way for personalized NDIS support, ensuring you or your loved ones live a more empowered and independent life. Dive into our comprehensive guide to make informed decisions about your NDIS funding and care planning. Let’s navigate this journey together!

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Meet and Greet Ideas for Support Workers

Creating a comfortable and welcoming environment from the outset is crucial in forming a strong and positive relationship between support workers and their clients. Meet and greets are an excellent opportunity for support workers and clients to get to know each other, establish rapport, and discuss expectations and goals.

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