NDIS Support Categories & Understanding Your Support Budgets

Navigate NDIS Support Categories: Understanding Your Support Budgets
NDIS Support Categories & Understanding Your Support Budgets

Have you ever had trouble understanding NDIS Support Categories & Budgets? The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to provide people with disabilities the support they need to live more independently and improve their quality of life. Understanding the different support budgets within the NDIS is crucial to maximize the benefits of this scheme. Here, we’ll explore the three main types of support budgets: Core Supports, Capacity Building Supports, and Capital Supports, and break down what each of them means for you.

Core Supports: Building Your Foundation

The Core Supports budget is the backbone of your NDIS plan. It covers the essentials needed for your daily life, addressing your immediate disability-related requirements and assisting you in working toward your goals. Within the Core Supports budget, there are four main categories:

  • Assistance with Daily Life: This category encompasses everyday activities like getting dressed, cooking meals, and household chores. It helps you maintain your independence and manage your daily needs.
  • Consumables: These are everyday items you may need, such as continence products or assistive technology and equipment for better mobility and independence.
  • Assistance with Social & Community Participation: If you require support to engage in social and community activities, this category covers expenses like hiring a support worker for these activities.
  • Transport: This support helps you access work or other places that align with your goals. The funding allocation and payment methods for transport may vary from person to person.

Case Study: Sarah’s Journey

Lets assume Sarah as our imaginary participant, Sarah’s NDIS plan includes funding in her Core Supports budget. Her goals are to become more independent in her daily life and build social connections. Initially, she needed significant support in the mornings to get dressed and prepare breakfast. However, over time, Sarah gained confidence and decided to reduce her one-on-one support during this time. She reallocated the funds to participate in a group recreational swimming activity once a week, highlighting the flexibility of the Core Supports budget.

Capacity Building Supports: Empowering Your Growth

The Capacity Building Supports budget focuses on building your skills and independence to help you achieve your goals. Unlike the core supports budget, the capacity building supports budget is limited to capacity building tasks only, . One cannot use it for other support categories. The budget covers specific individual supports in the Capacity Building category which is allocated to the participant. These categories include:

  • Support Coordination: This provides funding for a Support Coordinator to help you make the most of your plan, navigate services, and reach your goals effectively.
  • Improved Living Arrangements: This category assists you in finding and maintaining suitable housing, ensuring you have a safe and comfortable place to live.
  • Increased Social & Community Participation: Funds allocated here support skill development and training to help you engage in community, social, and recreational activities.
  • Finding & Keeping a Job: If your goal is employment, this category may include support, training, and assessments to help you find and maintain a job.
  • Improved Relationships: This support focuses on developing positive behaviors and interactions with others.
  • Improved Health & Wellbeing: It may include advice on exercise or diet management to address the impact of your disability, but does not cover gym memberships.
  • Improved Learning: For those transitioning to further education, this category offers training, advice, and support to navigate the process.
  • Improved Life Choices: Support in managing your plan, funding, and service payments to increase your control and independence.
  • Improved Daily Living: This involves assessment, training, or therapy to enhance your skills, independence, and community participation, often provided in groups or individually.

Capital Supports: Investing in Your Future

Capital Supports budget encompasses higher-cost items like assistive technology, equipment, home or vehicle modifications, and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). SDA funds are only provided for their specific use-case and does not allow be reallocation. The two main support categories under Capital Supports are:

  • Assistive Technology: This covers equipment for mobility, personal care, communication, and recreational inclusion, such as wheelchairs or vehicle modifications.
  • Home Modifications: If you wish to make changes to your home environment, this kind of funds here to make changes like installing handrails in the bathroom or obtaining specialized housing for participants with specific disabilities.

It’s essential to understand the flexibility of each support budget and how they align with your unique needs and goals. Having a clear understanding of your NDIS plan and the support budgets can help you make the most of this valuable scheme, improving your independence and quality of life.


In conclusion, the NDIS offers a range of support budgets to cater to the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities. By comprehending the distinctions between Core Supports, Capacity Building Supports, and Capital Supports, you can make informed decisions. It helps about how to best utilize your NDIS plan to achieve your goals and enhance your quality of life

Finally, As Registered NDIS Provider, we understand the intricacies of the NDIS. Feel free to Contact Us to explore how we can assist you on your journey. Remember, the NDIS is there to make a positive difference in your life, and we’re here to help!

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or to request more information.

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One comment

  1. I like that you pointed out instances when your daily needs will be supported in order to help you achieve your goals. I can imagine how programs like those will definitely be a huge help in making the future promising no matter what they are going through. In my opinion, it will definitely be useful to undergo an NDIS continence assessment as well to tell if you will be eligible for such benefits.

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